Exporting Silica Sand
Unlocking endless possibilities through the international distribution of high-quality silika sand

Silika Sand Project
In June 2024, Omniwise Synergy, through a partnership with TK Four Enterprise, initiated the “Silika Sand Project” at Mukim Merang, Setiu, Terengganu. This project involves extracting silika (sand) and replacing it with laterite soil over 66 acres owned by the Terengganu Orphan Welfare Organization (PERKAYA).
The extracted silica will be converted into raw grade and further refined into processed grade :
Raw Grade
- Silika Grade 95.0 - 97.0
- Silika Grade 97.1 - 98.5
- Silika Grade 98.6 - 99.0 and above
Processed Grade
- Silika Grade 99.1 - 99.4
- Silika Grade 99.5 and above
The high-quality silika sand finds use in both local industries and exports to countries like China, Japan, and Korea, catering to various sectors including glassmaking, metal casting, automotive, chemical products, construction, and more.

Strategic Market Advantage
Located in an area rich with high-quality silika sand, the Omniwise Synergy factory is poised to significantly penetrate global markets.